•   12/07/2024
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Diseases caused by bacteria 


Even though invisible to the naked eye, bacteria are all over the place. Some of them have important functions such as helping to digest food, in the manufacture of dairy products, vinegar, and even in the production of antibiotics.

However, there are some species that can cause serious illnesses in humans, which can be more common than you think, especially in elderlies and babies. Bacterial infections for example, are any condition caused by bacterial growth, like Meningitis.


If left untreated, they can even lead to death. So that, it’s extremely important to pay attention to it, avoiding further complications.  



But after all, what are bacteria?  


Bacteria are tiny, single-celled living organisms. They can be found in the air, water, soil and other living beings as a part of the natural balance of various organisms. 


Bacterial development occurs asexually – the cell divides in half, giving rise to another identical bacterium. Its proliferation happens quickly when environmental conditions are favorable, which is a big problem when it comes to pathogenic bacteria (the ones that cause diseases).

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It is almost unbelievable, but the human body has more bacteria than cells. The bacterial population that an adult human can harbor is around 39 trillion, while cells can reach up to 30 trillion. 


Bacteria, especially those who live in humans' bodies, require three main factors to ensure their survival: nutrients (oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, phosphorus, and nitrogen), elevated temperature, and high humidity.  

What Diseases do Bacteria Cause?

Bacterial diseases can cause serious health risks, including high fever, tiredness, and exhaustion. Some of these diseases include:  


What is Tuberculosis? 

Tuberculosis is a disease infectious and transmissible, that mainly affects the lungs and is caused by the bacteria called: Mycobacterium tuberculosis. 


Although not everyone develops the disease, Tuberculosis can easily spread in crowded environments or places. Individuals with weakened immune systems face a higher risk of contracting the disease, compared to those with typical immune systems. 

How is tuberculosis transmitted?


Transmission occurs through contact with the contaminated tiny liquid particles in the air, droplets in the breath, saliva (through kissing or shared personal items), sneezing, and coughing of infected individuals.  


The main symptoms  

- Persistent dry cough for more than two weeks. 

- High fever.  

- Tiredness and exhaustion.  

- Loss of appetite and sudden weight loss.   

- In severe cases, mucus with blood. 

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What is Pneumonia?


It is an infection that settles in the lungs. Moreover, it can affect the region of the pulmonary alveoli where the terminal branches of the bronchi exist, and sometimes the interstitial spaces (the space between one alveolus and another). 

Pneumonia can be a result from various factors, with Streptococcus pneumoniae bacteria being one of the contributing agents. 

Is Pneumonia Contagious?


The infectious agents of pneumonia are generally not easily transmitted. However, viral pneumonia is more easily transmissible, unlike pneumonia caused by bacteria, where transmission is more difficult, but can occur.  


The main symptoms 


- High fever. 
- Cough. 
- Chest pain. 
- Breathing difficulties and shortness of breath. 
- Malaise. 
- Weakness. 

- The presence of yellowish or greenish mucus. 

In cases of Bacterial Pneumonia the treatment can be done with antibiotics, but if there is a risk of complications, the patient must be hospitalized and kept under observation.


Whooping Cough

What is Whooping Cough?

Whooping cough is a disease caused by the bacteria Bordetella pertussis. It is infectious, acute, and transmissible, which damages the respiratory tract (mainly the trachea and bronchi). Contagion occurs through contaminated droplets that can be expelled by coughing, sneezing or even speaking.      

Whooping Cough Main Symptoms

- Cough. 
- Runny nose. 
- Fever. 
- Malaise. 
- Difficulties breathing or eating. 
- Vomiting. 

- Dehydration. 

Can Whooping Cough Be Prevented?

The disease spreads easily and can be fatal when it affects babies. However, it can be prevented with a vaccine and its treatment is carried out in isolation, with a series of medications to alleviate symptoms and, in more serious cases, the use of oxygen to combat shortness of breath. 

Request a proposal from our consultants now to get an indication of the best solution and budget for your business. 





What Is Meningitis?

Meningococcal meningitis is the name given to the bacterial infection that affects the membranes that cover the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord). It is caused by the bacteria Neisseria meningitidis, transmitted through contaminated air and saliva. 

Meningitis Main Symptoms

- Fever. 
- Headache. 
- Mental confusion. 
- Weakness. 
- Vomiting. 
- Stiff neck and neck stiffness. 

The patient must be admitted to a hospital immediately to begin treatment with injectable antibiotics. If not treated in time, the disease can be fatal. 



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How to prevent bacterial diseases?

Bacterial diseases can be spread in different ways, some through poorly sanitized food, sexual intercourse, unsafe drinking water and even through the air. Therefore, it is important to take some precautions such as: 


- Wash your hands frequently. 
- Only drink filtered and treated water. 
- Clean the food well before consuming. 
- Avoid crowds. 
- Use condoms in all intimate relations. 
- Avoid contact with sick people if it’s possible.

- Take care of the air quality indoors.  

Bacteria proliferate faster when the air humidity is high. A study called: "The Effects of Ventilation, Humidity, and Temperature on Bacterial Growth and Bacterial Genera Distribution, published on the National Library of Medicine, proves that:


Increasing the humidity from 50 to 70% RH and from 50 to 90% RH increased the bacterial growth by 2.8 and 6.2 times, respectively; increasing the humidity from 70 to 90% RH increased the bacterial growth by 2.2 times (Figure A4 and Table 1). This suggested that reducing the humidity at 26 °C reduced bacterial growth.” 


Check out the graph below, taken from the study, proving that bacteria grow faster in high humid environments: 



According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the ideal for human health is that humidity levels are between 50% and 60%. 

To achieve and maintain this standard, it is necessary to use an air dehumidifier that has a humidistat – a mechanism which regulates air humidity within pre-defined parameters. 

Desidrat controls humidity according to recommended levels, preventing the proliferation of microorganisms that are harmful to health, such as bacteria, fungi and mites  Furthermore, its filter retains some suspended impurities from the environment, ensuring much healthier air for the whole family. 

Discover the advantages that only Desidrat can offer. 

Furthermore, the precise control of humidity through a Desidrat dehumidifier is responsible for ensuring the consistency and granularity of inputs, the proper functioning of machinery, and compliance with hygiene standards.