•   22/07/2024
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Learn How to Combat Fungi Using a Dehumidifier 


Fungi play an essential role in nature and are fundamental to the planet's ecosystem, with over 80,000 species utilized in various sectors, from pharmaceuticals to chocolate production. However, some of these microscopic organisms can pose serious health risks. 

Individuals with weaker immune systems, such as pregnant women, children, and the elderly, are more susceptible to these risks. However, even a strong and healthy person, when exposed to an unhealthy environment for an extended period, faces serious dangers. 



What is fungus, and how does it proliferate?    


Fungi are now classified as part of the Fungi Kingdom. They feed on organic matter, both living and dead, and can be found in soil, water, or air in different regions of the world. 


Fungi reproduce in two ways: asexually, through the fragmentation of mycelium or spore production, and sexually, involving the fusion of hyphae from different organisms. They form colonies and, when in the adult phase, release spores into the air. 

When these spores are inhaled, they can cause respiratory allergies. Suspended in the air, they settle on surfaces, initiating a new colony. 


While mold and mildew can exacerbate respiratory diseases, they also pose a significant concern for individuals with asthma. The presence of these fungi can trigger or worsen asthma symptoms, including coughing, shortness of breath, and lung irritation. Therefore, maintaining environments free of these microorganisms is crucial, especially for those living with asthma or other respiratory conditions. 

Close-up photograph of fungi and their spores


How do mold and mildew interfere with daily life?  


Fungi play crucial roles in nature, the economy, medicine, and food. Examples include "ear fungus" (Pycnoporus sanguineus), which not only decomposes but also has medicinal properties, and mushrooms like champignons, which are edible. 

However, some fungi cause significant headaches, such as mold and mildew, a group of fungi that not only produce unpleasant odors and damage furniture, objects, and clothing but can also exacerbate diseases like rhinitis, sinusitis, bronchitis, and asthma. 

In general, fungi thrive in conditions that support their survival. Spaces with low or no light, poor ventilation, and, especially, high humidity are perfect for them. 

Steaming from the bathroom or cooking in the kitchen exacerbates the ideal conditions for these microorganisms due to moisture accumulation. When humidity is above 65%, it can increase the proliferation of bacteria and fungi by 40%. 


What's the difference between mildew and mold? 


Mildew and mold are the most common types of fungi found indoors, and no, they are not the same thing. Mold is the more advanced stage of mildew. Here's the difference: 


Mildew - Characterized by gray or greenish patches, mildew has a velvety appearance on the affected surface. 


Mold - Characterized by the presence of small black spots that are difficult to remove, mold typically corrodes whatever it touches. 

Mold stains corroding ceiling

What diseases are caused by fungi? 



Present in the skin, scalp, nails, armpits, and ears, fungi can cause more health problems than one might imagine. Here are some diseases caused by fungi: 

Pneumonia can be a result from various factors, with Streptococcus pneumoniae bacteria being one of the contributing agents. 


White Piedra


Caused by the Malassezia furfur fungus, also known as beach fungus, it inhibits melanin production, causing white, round spots on the skin, especially on the neck, arms, abdomen, and trunk. Treatment involves the use of medications prescribed by dermatologists. 



Caused by fungi like Trichophyton, Microsporum, or Epidermophyton, ringworm can cause reddish lesions that itch, peel, and can occur from toe to scalp. They spread quickly and are contagious. Antifungal ointments and pills are common treatments. 


Commonly known as nail fungus, this disease can affect the nails of hands and feet, with the big toe being the most vulnerable. The appearance of the nail alone is not sufficient to determine the disease; a medical diagnosis is necessary. 



Caused by the Aspergillus fumigatus fungus, the disease primarily affects the lungs and can cause allergies that make breathing difficult. This type of fungus can be found at home in damp places like corners and bathrooms. 

In the body, the fungus settles in the nasal cavity and sinuses, causing lesions known as fungal balls and leading to coughing, shortness of breath, and even blood-tinged secretions. 

Fungal Meningitis - It is acquired through the inhalation of spores that pass through the lungs to reach the meninges (membranes surrounding both the brain and spinal cord).


Although not contagious, the clinical case of the disease is considered severe, and no vaccine has been developed for prevention. Fever, headache, neck stiffness, mental confusion, photophobia, and vomiting are the main symptoms. 


When inhaled, the Penicillium marneffei fungus causes a disease that affects vital organs such as the liver, kidneys, and lungs. Particularly serious in people with weakened immune systems, penicilliosis causes weight loss and numerous skin lesions. 



Also known as fungal pneumonia, this disease primarily affects the patient's lungs and, in severe cases, can cause meningitis and heart problems. 

Caused by the Histoplasma capsulatum fungus, it is transmitted through the inhalation of spores usually found in the droppings of bats and birds. 

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Woman coughing due to fungal spores


What to do to get rid of fungi? 


Microorganisms need water to survive; it's the basic condition of life. Therefore, by controlling the humidity of the environment, the proliferation of new colonies is also prevented. 

Generally, fungi only become a nuisance indoors when they cause visible problems to the naked eye and threaten health. Humans breathe about 6 liters of air per day, and most people do not pay attention to indoor air quality. 

An example of this is the use of air conditioners without proper care. Without adequate filter cleaning, the device is susceptible to accumulating fungi, bacteria, and mites, spreading them throughout the environment. 

To permanently eliminate these microorganisms that can be harmful to health, in addition to keeping cleanliness up to date, it is necessary to keep the environment well-lit, ventilated, and free from excess moisture. 

The recommended solution for a safe home is to use an air dehumidifier. Combining technology and practicality, it perfectly replaces old habits such as leaving cabinet doors and drawers open or putting clothes in the sun to remove mold. 


How to prevent fungi? How to avoid their growth? 


In the market for 40 years, the Desidrat dehumidifier is an ideal device for those seeking effective, long-lasting solutions and are tired of relying on internet recipes in the hope of solving their problem. 

It is perfect for those suffering from respiratory diseases, which can worsen due to the presence of fungi, as it controls humidity between 50% and 60%, as indicated by the World Health Organization (WHO) to ensure healthier air. 

If more than one room needs treatment, it is possible to rotate the equipment. As the life cycle of fungi is around 30 days, after this period, leave the product in each environment for 7 days, returning to the initial location 30 days before. 


Furthermore, the precise control of humidity through a Desidrat dehumidifier is responsible for ensuring the consistency and granularity of inputs, the proper functioning of machinery, and compliance with hygiene standards. 


According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the ideal for human health is that humidity levels are between 50% and 60%. 

To achieve and maintain this standard, it is necessary to use an air dehumidifier that has a humidistat – a mechanism which regulates air humidity within pre-defined parameters. 

Desidrat controls humidity according to recommended levels, preventing the proliferation of microorganisms that are harmful to health, such as bacteria, fungi and mites  Furthermore, its filter retains some suspended impurities from the environment, ensuring much healthier air for the whole family. 

Discover the advantages that only Desidrat can offer. 

Furthermore, the precise control of humidity through a Desidrat dehumidifier is responsible for ensuring the consistency and granularity of inputs, the proper functioning of machinery, and compliance with hygiene standards.