•   22/07/2024
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The Relation Between Asthma and Humidity 

Although medicine has already found a cure for many diseases, chronic illnesses are still very common. Asthma is an example of it by affecting millions of people around the world, with great impact on people's quality of life, a major concern for health institutions and governments. 


According to the WHO - World Health Organization, Asthma affects 300 million people around the world. The organization also highlights those deaths caused by it, will increase in the next 10 years if measures to counter it are not taken. 


The concern for disseminating knowledge about asthma among health professionals and the population is so broad that, in 1993, GINA - Global Initiative Against Asthma - was created. In partnership with the WHO - World Health Organization, the initiative was developed with the aim of raising awareness among patients, publishing articles, and providing news about new treatments and medicines.  

Every year, GINA organizes the World Asthma Day and mobilizes hospitals and doctors around the world to distribute materials and resources with more information about the disease, thus teaching about the risks of asthma and how to deal with it. 


The prevalence of asthma in the United States varies by source, but according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), approximately 25 million Americans have asthma. This figure represents about 7.7% of adults and 8.4% of children in the country, based on data available up to April 2023. It's important to note that asthma prevalence can fluctuate due to various factors, including changes in diagnostic criteria, reporting practices, and environmental conditions that may affect respiratory health. These figures offer a general overview of the condition's impact on the U.S. population. For the most current and detailed statistics, consulting the CDC's website or relevant public health resources is advisable. 


Asthma attacks are directly linked to the quality of the air we breathe, both outdoors and indoors. The good news is that it’s possible to control respiratory crises, alleviate their symptoms by discovering which are the main allergens that cause crises and how to eliminate them at home or work place, where we spend a good part of our day. 

 Furthermore, it’s essential to carry out humidity control in residential and commercial places to help in this process. By controlling the relative humidity of the air, you maintain a clean residential environment, free of allergens. 

And to stay informed about the most updated information, new methods to reduce the impact of Asthma on children and adults’ lives, receive invitations for events regarding Asthma, and much more, let us know through the request button below. We are here to help. 


What Is Asthma? 


Before delving into the impact of humidity on Asthma, it’s essential to understand what what modern science learned about it. Asthma is a non-contagious condition that inflames and narrows the airways, leading to recurring episodes of coughing, wheezing, chest tightness, and difficulty breathing.  


The thing is, whenever there is any type of irritation, the bronchi become obstructed and consequently making it harder for the air to pass, however people with Asthma often have more sensitive airways, which react to the presence of allergens in the air like pollen, pet fur, dust mites, mold, fungi and cigarette smoke. 


Identifying and managing these triggers, like maintaining a clean residential environment, free of those allergens, is crucial to controlling and preventing asthma attacks. It’s also important to avoid respiratory problems such as rhinitis and bronchitis.  

What causes Asthma? Is Asthma a genetic condition?


It can be a result of a genetic condition, in other words, the Asthmatics can have an inheritance in their DNA causing an excessive reaction to the allergens mentioned before, however not all cases of Asthma are inherited, a person may have a genetic tendency toward asthma but never actually develop. 

 In cases of allergic asthma, the main triggers are: 


Fungo_Prancheta 1

Fungi are microorganisms which usually grow at a temperature above 98,6 °F and in places where the humidity is above 50%. They are capable of worsening asthma, once increasing inflammation of the bronchi Inside of our home or office, fungi can spread on walls, ceilings, wooden furniture, grow in the air conditioning system, bathroom walls, and cracks in surfaces.  


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Mites are small arachnids, they can be found frequently in mattresses, pillows, clothes, carpets, and curtains, among other places. They feed on skin flakes, mainly human, pet fur, and even mold.  

Although can be difficult to eliminate them, considering that high humidity is the main condition for the life of these and other microorganisms, their spread can be contained through humidity control 



Is it true that asthmatic people can’t have contact with animals? 

The problem for allergic people is the presence of proteins from the animal's saliva, skin flakes, and urine, which are present mostly in their fur. These proteins are widely spread in the environment where the animals live. Cat allergens for example, can be detected in the environment for up to six months after they leave  

If it’s proven that the cause of the allergy is in fact an allergen originating from the animal, the ideal is to avoid contact or you can even try the use of Desidrat air dehumidifiers, as they can prevent the proliferation of those allergens in the environment and filter the air. 

Cigarette smoke


The simple presence of a smoker next to the asthmatic is enough for them to feel the effects and increases the levels of bronchial inflammation. 

Flu and colds


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A simple cold can cause irritation to the airways of those with asthma. But the worst thing is when it comes to a viral infection, as in the case of the flu, which can cause an asthma attack or even make it worse. 

Fall and winter

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With lower temperatures, we close doors and windows to escape the cold air and thus reduce ventilation, which favors the proliferation of dust mites and the accumulation of dust on carpets and curtains. 

Asthma Treatment 


Asthma is treated through medication and is generally divided into two types of treatment: one exclusive for times of crisis and the other for controlling the disease. In the former, pills or syrups are ingested and block the inflammatory process, while in the latter the medicine is inhaled and can be used for a long time. 

Furthermore, it’s worth mentioning that valuing the air quality is very important to avoid asthma attacks. The ideal is to keep your house clean and free of possibles allergens, to prevent not only asthma problems, but also other allergies disease, such as rhinitis and bronchitis. 


We are here for you! Our consultants are ready to assist you with all your needs, indicating the best solution at a budget that suits you. We have been helping clients to find the best way to solve their air quality needs for 40 years! 




How to Relieve Asthma Attacks? 

The air dehumidifier has become a powerful ally for those with asthma. The equipment controls humidity between 50% and 60%, the ideal levels recommended by the WHO – World Health Organization. 


Designed and manufactured within the best technology, Desidrat- powered by Thermomatic, is indicated for controlling humidity in various spaces, from living room - where we spend pleasant moments with the family - to the bedroom, a space that must always be clean and safe, especially when we talk about the health of babies and the elderly, to our office. Valuing air quality means ensuring the comfort of your family and coworkers. 

Customer testimonial: 

Gisele Sanches, a customer of Thermomatic, reports how using a Desidrat, helped with her son's asthma treatment: 


“Before I knew about dehumidifiers, I only used the air humidifier. After I discovered Desidrat, I bought it for my son who suffered a lot from asthma attacks at night. After frequent use of the dehumidifier, I even managed to remove my son's asthma inhaler. I recommend it!”.