•   16/07/2024
  • minutes


Dehumidifiers For Basement and Attics 


As the years go by, whether due to moves or remodels, we often find ourselves with a large amount of furniture and belongings stored in basements or attics. However, these areas retain a significant amount of humidity, making them ideal environments for mold and mildew development. 

It's important to keep in mind that fungus formation can lead to a variety of problems such as bad smells and even damage to assets. That's where dehumidifiers come in!  

This equipment plays a vital role in controlling relative humidity levels, preventing the growth of harmful microorganisms. Having a dehumidifier is essential for addressing these problems and ensuring a dry and healthy living environment. 

Problems Caused by High Humidity in Basements and Attics

While consolidating all your belongings in one room is an efficient method for creating more space at home, the presence of humidity above 60% in that space is a warning sign! 

These conditions can result in significant losses, especially when storing wooden furniture, further complicating the situation, causing:

Fungus and Dust Mites Contamination

Humidity creates a favorable environment for the proliferation of mites and mildew, microorganisms that are allergenic agents capable of triggering diseases such as rhinitis, bronchitis, asthma, and scabies, further harming individuals with weakened immunity, such as babies and the elderly. 

Basements and attics are typically enclosed spaces with limited ventilation and lighting, providing the ideal conditions for the development of these microorganisms. They can even spread and contaminate other areas of the house.

Structural Damage

Structural damage can be a significant consequence of high humidity. Exposure to elevated humidity levels can compromise the integrity of the structure, which can be damaged by the growth of mold and mildew.

As basements and attics are typically built with wooden pillars, it is essential that the area is cleaned, so that the material doesn't rot and cause accidents. In addition, furniture such as cabinets, tables, and chairs can also be discarded due to fungi, which cause stains and swelling by deteriorating the interior of the wood. 


The problem with infiltration should also be noted. When the humidity level is high, especially indoors, condensation can occur on cold surfaces, such as walls and windows. This accumulation of moisture can eventually lead to infiltration issues, resulting in water stains. 

This is a problem not only causes aesthetic concerns, but also potential structural risks.  

Benefits of Using Desidrat Dehumidifiers 

Now that you've learned about the advantages and importance of having a dehumidifier in your basement and attic, how about discovering the specific benefits that Desidrat can offer? 

  • Acts directly against the proliferation of mold growth. 
  • Protects the structural integrity of your basement and attic. 
  • Reduces musty odors and improves air quality. 
  • Can cover small spaces to larger spaces. 
  • Removes humid air from the environment, returning it to the correct levels and ensuring comfort. 


Thermomatic's Desidrat dehumidifiers offer a silent and contemporary solution, enabling you to stabilize the relative humidity between 50% and 60%—the recommended levels by the World Health Organization (WHO). 

These state-of-the-art dehumidifiers provide continuous drainage options, safeguarding your basement and attics. With our dehumidifiers, you can keep your belongings and wooden furniture without concerns about mold, musty odors, or the detrimental effects of excess moisture. 


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